Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Oh My darling . . . one last time

Two summers ago (yes, that would be 2006), I was smitten with the Granny Smith Cardigan. SO much so, that I ran to the crazy knitting shop (that has yarn dating back to 1904) and picked up some mohair blend yarn so I could cast-on immediately. Well, the orange seemed like a good idea at the moment, and it reminded me of the clementines sitting in the crate in our kitchen.

So home I trotted, to knit this beautiful thing . . . I finished the back, fronts, and two sleeves: all I had to do was sew it together (a job I loathe) and knit the buttonbands and I'd be sporting it when the weather turned chilly. Somehow between that time and now, the cardi got shelved. I yanked it out this afternoon, and started to sew a sleeve in, figuring I could fix up these bands over the weeekend and at least sport it by the 31st . . .

So that was today's act of craziness. The entire week's obsession has been this:

No doubt you have seen this everywhere--the Lion Brand knock-off of the gorgeous Pringle sweater. I am up to 40" of that cabled yoke . . .


Blogger Karen said...

Ooooh, Clementine!! I forgot about Clementine. It will be perfect for Halloween!

10/25/2007 8:08 AM  

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