I received a very interesting email from a local college professor, who through a mutual friend, wanted to know if I would be interested in knitting 2 sweaters from the current issue of
Vogue. Okay, here’s what I thought:
Oh my God, ME??????? She wants me to knit for her, and she’ll pay me? Ooooo, I can’t wait! That progressed to:
ME? I have 50 projects going at once, I hate to knit in a confined time frame, and I only really knit for people I love, which the hell sweaters does she want (patterns 27 and 29, if you want to know!)? I probably can’t knit them anyway, and I can’t sew seams together very well, and one more thing, how in the world will I establish a fee??
After a few moments (read: hours, and a couple of days), I got a hold of myself, and decided I was so very flattered, and gave her the name of someone at the LYS who I know could whip these two babies out in a week!
Ahhh, back to my socks, clapotis and cardigan, as well as the oodles of other things on my knitting to do list!